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Abraham was the founder of Judaism. He made the eternal covenant with G-d; G-d promised to protect Abraham and his descendants, and to bless them and make 'great nations' from them. In return, the Jews must stay loyal to the one true G-d of Israel. Abraham was technically a Hebrew. The 'official' start of Judaism, was some time later, when Moses and the Israelites received the Torah from G-d at Mt Sinai. They then went forward as the Jewish family, the Jewish religion and the Jewish nation. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Tradition holds that Abraham founded the Jewish religion in Israel, about 2000 BCE, but no exact date is known.

There is archaeological evidence for the Israelites (The ancestors of the Jews) as far back as 1600 BCE.

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Abraham. He lived 3800 years ago.

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Q: When did judaism begin and who was the founder?
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Where did Judaism come?

Abraham was the founder of Judaism.

Who was the found of Judaism's?

Traditionally, Abraham was the founder of Judaism.

When and where judaism was start?

Abraham was the founder of Judaism, in the Holy Land.

In what religon did Judaism begin?

Judaism did not begin within another religion.

What religions evolved from the Hebrew Religion?

Judaism began with the religion of the Hebrews, from Abraham onwards.Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was a descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham. Abraham is the founder of Judaism. Jesus, the founder of Christianity, was a Jew. So, Islam and Christianity both evolved from Judaism.

Do we have a painting of Abraham the founder of Judaism?

No such painting exists.

Why is elizabeth h the founder of judaism?

She wasn't, Judaism is a religion based on national revelation. The foundation of Judaism was when all of the Israelites accepted the Torah in the Sinai.

Islam Christianity and judaism?

Actually it was not made but was founded.Islam's founder is Muhamad.Christianity's founder was Jesus Christ.While the founder of judaism is Abraham or/and Moses(I'm not actually sure but that's what I found in my search and you can also search if want). Thank you for reading, Mitch Manos

When was the founder of judaism alive?

Abraham lived from 1812 to 1637 BCE.

Where did the founder of judaisms religion live?

Judaism was established by Jehovah God.

Why is moses considered a founder of judalism?

No it is not Moses, but it is Abraham the father of Judaism.

Who was the leader and founder of judaism?

Abraham. See the attached Related link.