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Vulcan is the god of the forges (includes fire and metalworking) in Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, he is known as Hephaestus.

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Q: Who was the god of fire and metalworking in Roman mythology?
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Does the word volcano come from Hawaii?

No. The world volcano comes from Roman mythology. We get it from Vulcano, a volcanic island off the coast of Sicily which was once believed to be the forge of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire, metalworking, and volcanoes.

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That is part of the Greek mythology. HEPHAISTOS was the great Olympian god of fire, metalworking, building and the fine arts.

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Hephaestus, who is also the lame god of fire.

What is the god of fire?

Depends on the mythology. Agni (Hindu), Nergal (Sumeria), Uriel (Judaeo-Christian), Prometheus or Haephestus, (Greek), Vulcan (Roman), and of course there are many more.

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Vulcan, or Hephaestus, has the emblem of fire. he is the god of fire and the underworld in Roman Mythology and in Greek, he is the god of fire and the forge.

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Hephaestus is the god of fire in greek mythology. The Cyclopes, working in Hephaestus' forge, made the lightning bolts. Vulcan is the god of fire in roman mythology!

What is hephestus the god of?

fire, forges, handicrafts, metalworking, and volcanoes

In roman mythology who is god of god?

The supreme god in Roman mythology is Jupiter, preceded by Saturn.

What was Hephastus the god of?

Hephastus was the greek god of fire. He was also the god of metalworking and crafts. He was the blacksmith of the gods.

Where did the word volcano come from in greek mythology?

The word volcano more likely came from ROMAN mythology, not Greek, because the Roman god of fire and volcanoes was called Vulcan.

What is hephaestus the greek god of?

Hephaestus is the Olympian god of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry and the art of sculpture.

How did the word volcano get its name?

The name volcano has its origin from the name of Vulcan ,a god of fire in roman mythology