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Nemesis was the Greek goddess of punishment or retribution. Her name means 'distributes' or 'gives out'. She was thought to deal out retribution, especially for those who seemed to be going unpunished for their misdeeds. So if someone didn't get their punishment from men, she was thought of as a 'sweeper' who picked up any who had got through the net! She could not be overcome. So we have the saying 'He met his nemesis', something he could not overcome.

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All Greek gods and goddesses if wronged showed their wrath to "sinners." However, Hades ruled the Underworld. The Underworld was divided up into areas, and some parts were similar to heaven and hell. For instance, heroes would go to the Asphodel Meadows. It was full of flowers and pleasant landscapes. Tartarus was an abyss of torture and misery.

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