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Q: Who was the greek philosopher that discovered static electricity?
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Related questions

Who discovered how to make static electricity?

The effects of static electricity were first discovered by the Greeks. In the sixth century BC the Greek philosopher Thales found that amber, when rubbed with fur, could attract little pieces of dry straw.

Which philosopher discovered latitude and longitude?

Hipparchus, ancient greek philosopher

The greek philosopher who named electricity?


What is the ancient explanation for static electricity?

Around 600 BC, the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus thought that amber had a soul because it attracted very light objects after being rubbed.

What does electricity have to do with technology and science?

Electricity, emanated from the Greek word, for "Amber"or in another word,"Electrum. A nature substance, discovered by Thales, a Greek philosopher. When we mention technology, we mean, a way of doing things.Furthermore, science, a is system of notions, hypothesis, theory and evidence.

Who was the Greek scientist who discovered displacement?

If you are talking about water displacement, it is the Greek philosopher Archimedes who is credited with that.

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What is the verb for electricity?

The verb of electricity is electrify.Other verbs are electrifies, electrifying and electrified."I will electrify you"."He electrifies his audience with the act"."The generators were electrified".

Who is the Greek phylosopher?

A good example of a Greek philosopher is Archimedes who discovered displacement (when you sit in a full bath tub it overflows).

What newly rediscovered writings excited medieval students?

They discovered the writings of Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Who discovered agate?

Agate was apparently named by a Greek philosopher and naturalist, named Theophrastus. As to who discovered this micro-crystalline variety of SiO2, who knows.

Who recorded references to static electricity and lightning were made over 2500 years ago?

greek philosophers