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Q: Who was the only god in Zoroastrianism?
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Related questions

How did Zoroastrianism influence other religions?

They where the only monotheistic religion at that time. That means that they only belived in one god.

What do Zoroastrianism call their god?

Ahura Mazda

Who were the prophets of Zoroastrianism in ancient Persia?

AnswerThe god of Zoroastrianism is Ahura Mazda ("Wise Lord").

Why might Persians convert to zoroastrianism?

It is their ancestors's religion. It praises truth, god and righteousness. Everybody might convert to Zoroastrianism, the Mazda Yasna.

How many Zoroastrianism churches are there in the world?

i am a part of Zoroastrianism religion and unfortunately their are only 7 in the world :(

What is ahura?

you mean who is ahura. ahura madzah is in zoroastrianism known as god.

Is Christianity like Zoroastrianism?

No. Zoroastrianism arose from a Philosopher's beliefs, Whereas Christianity has always been around and is belief in an eternal God who created everything.

What is another word for Zoroastrianism?

Another word for Zoroastrianism is Mazdayasna, which emphasizes belief in a single god (Ahura Mazda) and a cosmic battle between good and evil forces.

Who is a god in zoroastrianism?

Ahura Mazda is the deity and his prophet Zoroaster

Where did zoroastrianism come from?

Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions. It was founded between 1200 and 1500 BCE by an Iranian prophet Zoroaster. When Zoroaster was thirty he had a vision of God during a purification ritual. He then went on to teach others about this one God.

How is zoroastrianism different from Christianity?

There are many similarities between Christianity and Zoroastrianism, but also some differences.Christians believe in God, whereas followers of Zoroastrianism believe in Ahura Mazda .In Christianity, Jesus has already come, born of a virgin. In Zoroastrianism, the Saoshyant is yet to come, and will be born of a virgin. Both will fight evil at the end times.Fire is sacred in Zoroastrianism, but not in Christianity. Orthodox followers of Zoroastrianism prefer neither to bury their dead in the sacred ground, nor cremate them.

What are the similarities between Judaism Christianity Islam and Zoroastrianism?

The similiaries are on the basis of a monothiestic foundation i.e. # Islam; One God (Allah in Arabic) # Judaism; One God, Yahweh # Christianity; One God who is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit # Zoroastrianism; One God, Ahura Mazda, but a dualistic worldview in which an evil spirit, Angra Mainyu, is almost as powerful.