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There were two Presidents whose fathers were also Presidents. They were John Quincy Adams and George W. Bush, the sons of John Adams and George H.W. Bush respectively. Also, both these Presidents never served as Vice Presidents, but their fathers served so.

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Q: Who was the only president that had a father that was also president?
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Who is a president and also a father?

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George W Bush's father was also the President of United States Of America.

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Sorry! There is no person that was the son of a president and the father of a president.

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He is a Republican. His father was also President, but for only one term.

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Calvin Coolidge

Who was the first president whose father was also a president?

John Quincy Adams

His father was also president?

George W. Bush

Who was the only person in US history who was the son of a president and the father of a president?

He was John Scott Harrison, son of President William Harrison and father of President Benjamin Harrison. He was elected to the US Congress.

Who was the only president to have his father to serve before him?

The hasn't been only one. John Quincy Adams was the first president to serve after his father, John Adams George W. Bush was the second president to serve after his father, George H.W. Bush Benjamin Harrison was the only president to serve after his grandfather, William Henry Harrison.

Who was the only president to be sworn in to office by his father?

…Calvin Coolidge