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Q: Who was the secretary of war durind George Washington's terms?
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George washingtons presidntail terms?

He served two terms: 1789-1793 and 1793-1797

Where did the capitol move in George Washingtons terms?

It move southern east that was named after Washington which was Washington D.C.

Who was the serictary of state for George Washington?

During President George Washington's terms, he had two secretaries serving him. In 1794 Edmund Randolph served as Secretary of State, and in 1789, Thomas Jefferson served as Secretary of State.

George Washington terms of years?

Answer (answers may vary in canada):George Washington was in office from 1998 to 2001.His term was ended one year early becuase while he was sleeping he got raped and died of herpes. George Washingtons life 1400 BC - 2001

How long was washingtons term?

8 years (two terms: 1789-1793 and 1793-1797)

How many terms can a ny secretary of state serve?

The position of secretary of state is a cabinet position and is appointed by the President of the United States. Each term is four years and the President could appoint the secretary of State for two terms.

Is there a term limit for the secretary general to the UN?

two terms

Why did President Roosevelt decide to break George Washingtons tradition of only running two terms?

Franklin Roosevelt didn't respect the tradition of only running a third term and instead ran four terms. Soon after this it was made law that presidents could only run 2 times because it was obvious that some presidents could take advantage of the system like Roosevelt did.

What did Jefferson do after the Revolutionary War?

Jefferson was secretary of state for George Washington during both his terms and was the leader of the Democratic Republican Party. He was elected president in 1800 and served 2 terms. During his first term the US bought the Louisiana Purchase from France approximately doubling the size of the then United States.

Is the president elected to office twice part of the constitution?

yes, you can run for 5 terms and 2 more terms for secretary of state

What are George Washingtons major accoplishments?

George Washington led the colonial army to victory in the American Revolution and was the first USA president. He gave up the office after two terms as president. After he and his wife died (in that order), all of his slaves were set free. George Washington had humble beginnings, but, he worked up to the top of the ladder with hard work and self determination. The fact that he achieved so much (after starting out with so little) is a great example to all Americans.

How many terms was George Washington vice president?

George Washington served 0 terms as vice president. He was not the vice president.