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Ho Chi Minh was the political leader of Vietnamese army otherwise known as Vietminh. He was a communist leader who, at first, fought against the French. He then became the leader of the Vietcong who were based in South Vietnam and there aim was to unify North and South Vietnam into one.
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15y ago

Viet Cong forces were highly covert (secretive), their existence depended upon it. Almost surely, during the pre-1965 years, the US Advisers/Special Forces (Green Berets) knew by name, who some of the VC commander's were. However, as VC units became depleted (especially after the TET offensive '68), NVA units took a more active role in the fighting, and it is known that VC units were subordinate to the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) after 1968.

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15y ago

Southerners living in South Vietnam who sympathized with the Communist North, were the Viet Cong (VC). Communist North Vietnam, sent it's NVA (North Viet Army) south into South Vietnam to fight US/Allied forces. So, there were two basic enemies in South Vietnam: The communist sympathizers (VC) who already lived in South Vietnam. And the communist NVA, who marched from their homeland in the north, to fight in the south.

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13y ago

Southern VC cdrs were veried and little is known of them. The NORTH Viet cdr that gained world fame was NVA General Giap.

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At the time of the US involvement it was the communist leader Ho Chi Minh. He had been leader from 1945 through 1969.

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Nguyen Huu Tho.

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Q: Who led the communist in Vietnam?
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Who led the Communist forces in Indochina and in North Vietnam?

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The French Indochina War most likely led to the (so called) American Vietnam War. Because the French war divided up the country into TWO nations; North & South Vietnams. When the communist led North Vietnam attempted to take over (conquer) South Vietnam... this led to US involvment.

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To prevent the communist take over of the NON-communist Republic of South Vietnam, by Communist NORTH Vietnam.

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Communist North Vietnam was trying to take over the non-communist country of South Vietnam. The US fought North Vietnam to stop them.