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The Bible does not record a woman being stoned at Jesus' crucifixion.

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Q: Who was the woman stoned at Jesus' crucification?
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Did Jesus stop a woman from being stoned?

Yes. The account is found at John 8:3-11.

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What holiday remembers jesus' crucification?

Dont know. But do know that Jesus was not born on 25th of Dec. That means he was not a Capricorn. People still want to believe and celebrate it faithfully.

What were the laws for women back in Jesus' time?

Laws for ladies were quite hard that time. For example, if a woman was caught in adultery she was to be stoned to death. They would find rocks on the ground, and throw them until the woman died.

Was there any different type of execution in Jesus Christ times?

The usual type of execution in Israel was stoning. After the Romans took over Israel they handled most of the executions which was by cruxifiction. But the Jews did execute upon occasion. Stephen was stoned. The woman caught in adultery was going to be stoned and Jesus was threatened with stoning (John 10:31).