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Athena - God of love and beauty

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Q: Who were some of the Greek gods and goddesses and what were they associated with?
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Who were the Greek gods and goddesses?

Here are some of the Greek gods and goddesses (feel free to add to this list):ZeusPoseidonHadesHeraAthenaHestiaArtemisAresHermesKronosDemeterPersephoneAphrodite

Some qualities of the greek gods and goddesses?


Do the archangels and greek gods have something in common?

Angel means "messenger", and some gods and goddesses of Greek myth were depicted with wings.

A folktale about gods and goddesses?

Read Sherrilyn Kenyon's Acheron, it has a lot of Greek Gods and Goddesses, same with the rest of the Dark-Hunter series, and some of the Dream-Hunter.

How do you memorize the Greek gods and goddesses?

with some weird names like zeus=jupiter with some planets

Did the gods and goddesses get married in Greece?

Yes, the ancient Greek gods & goddesses got married. Some of them even got married to mortal men & women, & even had children with them.

How did the greek gods and goddesses travel?

well some could fly but i don't know how the others traveled

Where were the Greek god realms?

there were 12 main gods, and they all sat together on a sort of council. however, there were many other minor gods, much the same way we have patron saints. some of them are important, like the patron saint of love; and some aren't, like the patron saint of taxi drivers. :-) the same was true of the greek gods.

What civilizations did rome adopt gods and goddesses?

The Romans adopted some deities from the neighouring Sabines and Etruscans and from other Italic peoples. They also adopted some deities from the Greeks. They adopted many Greek myths and at one point they associated their deities with the Greek ones.

Is Hades related to anyother God?

Hades is related in some way to all other Greek Gods, and Goddesses.

What is the counterpart of Mars in greek mythology?

His Greek name was Ares. There are some people who think that Ares and Mars were two separate Gods, but in truth, the Romans ripped off most of the Gods and Goddesses from the Greeks.

What are some characteristic of greek gods and goddesses?

the greek gos and goddess' were very unloyal, wicked, jealous, morbid, strong, courageous, and many other things