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Georges Clemenceau, the president.

Joseph Joffre, commander in cheif of France

Robert Neville, replaced Joffre after Verdun

Philippe Petain, replaced Neville

Ferdinand Foch, appointed to lead the combined Allied troops on the Western Front

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Q: Who were the Key Figures of France in World War 1?
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Germany invaded France during World War II.

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Revoultionary war: france war of 1812: no one world war 1: france, england, world war 2: france, england, italy, and russia

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No, France gave in to Germany, and Germany then took over France. We did not help them. Not in World War I, the war the question asks about. Britain joined France in its fight againt Germany during the first World War.

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france was invaded by Germany and Italy during world war 2

Who was the president of France after the World War 1?

Raymond Poincaré was President of France following the First World War.

Why did France go into World War I?

France went into World War 1 because it had an alliance with Russia. When Germany declared war on Russia, France went to help its ally.

Who did France align with during world War 2?

France was on the Allies side during the second world war. However, Germany invaded France early in the war.

Who are historical figures of world war 1?

The Red Baron.

Who are the famous figures in world war war 1?

Charles Whittlesey in the Lost Battalion