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Q: Who were the most powerful soldiers during the feudal era of japan?
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What happened during the warring states period in japan history?

Powerful samurai seized control of old feudal estates

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What is the name of a Japanese feudal lord?

A Bushido which was renamed Daimyo under the Ashikaga Shogunate.

Who were the professional soldiers employed by the local lords in the feudal system in japan?


What happened during the warring state period in Japanese history?

During the Sengoku period, roughly 1467-1600 AD, powerful samurai leaders (daimyo) seized control of old feudal estates. The period ended with unification of Japan under the powerful Shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Who held the real power in japan?

Feudal Japan was dominated by the powerful regional families (damio) and the military rule of warlords (shogun), not the emperors.

Where is feudal Japan located?


What were the characteristics of the feudal system?

Local lords were called daimyo. They retained soldiers called samurai. The top ruling lord in Japan was called the Shogun. The feudal leaders received tribute from the territories they were responsible for.

What was Japan's foreign policy while Japan was a feudal society?

Japan was absolutely closed to foreigners and foreign interaction during feudal times until the 1850s, with one exception, which was the small Dutch trading zone at Dejima in Nagasaki. Contact with foreigners or practicing Christianity was punishable by death. Japan had no foreign embassies or missions during this time.

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Who was the emperor of feudal japan?

answer The supreme leader in feudal Japan were the Shogun, they were like a type of military dictator.

When were the feudal times in Japan?
