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They looked like any other Saudi Arabian national. They did not look like children or grandmothers in wheelchairs like the airport screeners seem to think.

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Q: Who were the terrorist that attacked the twin towers?
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Where else did the terrorist attack?

The terrorists attacked the pentagon and the twin towers on September 11th, 2001.

Why did osama attack the twin towers?

I am doing a project about this. I researched this, the twin towers was a symbol of America and how far they have gotten money wise. Osama Bin Laden wrote a letter to America, the writer asked why he attacked the twin towers. Well the bigger question is why did Osama attack America. Osama replied America attacked Palestine. Apparently there was a terrorist who attacked America and so America killed the terrorist.

When were the terrorist attacks in New York City?

They attacked the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001.

Which terrorist attacked the United states in 2001?

First of all the twin towers were knocked down by i think in one of the continents

Which terrorist organization attacked the united states in 2001?

First of all the twin towers were knocked down by i think in one of the continents

Why wee the twin towers hit?

it was a terrorist attack.

Why did terrorist want to destroy the twin towers?

because they are dumb

Were the terrorist attacks on twin towers fixed?

Many people think that the terrorist attacks on the twin towers was fixed. It was not. The attacks were a random act that was plotted and instrumented by terrorists that do not like America.

Who bombed the twin towers?

Terrorist fanatics under the leadership and direction of Osama bin Ladin. Terrorists attacked the 4 airplanes, two of the planes were crashed into the twin towers, the next plane craned into the Pentagon and the 4th plane crashed into a empty field.

Why were the 911 twin towers attacked?

The cause of the sad attack of the twin towers was bad terrorists.(mainly OsamabinLaden)

How did the terrorist attack the twin towers?

!. They Hijacked an American Airlines plane. 2. They flew it into the towers.

Who crashed the plane in the twin towers?

Osama bin laden commanded 19 terrorist to hijack 4 US commercial planes and 10 terrorist Muslims 5 terrorist in each planes crash the planes into twin towers