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Are you sure you do not mean The Battle of Bunker Hill?

If you do mean Bunker Hill, the answer is the British.

They lost many soldiers to the Continental Army.

The Continental Army had to retreat because they ran out of ammunition.

It was here, that the famous saying, " Don't shoot 'till you see the whites of their eyes," was uttered. (it was spoken by a Continental)

In the end, the British lost a greater amount of soldiers and the colonists were better off than the British.

This showed the British, and the colonists, that Britain can be defeated.

Thank you and I wish I was of service to you. :)

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12y ago

It was called Battle of Bunker Hill although fought on Breed's Hill. Officially, the British won because the Patriots ran out of gunpowder.



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Which hill did Battle of Bunker Hill occur on?

the battle of bunker hill was on breed's hill. the british won.

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the battle of bunker hill was really at breeds hill because in the middle of the night , the soldiers got confused, but when they arrived at breeds hill, they all thought they were at bunker hill.

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even though the british won the battle the british had more losses of soldiers and lots of casualties and deaths. so overall the british won but it backfired on them and they had a lot of casualties. that was the effect

Where was the actual Battle of Bunker Hill located?

It is Breeds Hill in Boston.

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The colonists won it but it is important because that was one of the battles that led up to the American Revolution.