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It's a matter of opinion, but based on true facts from the book, I would say the Greasers because they won the rumble at the end of the book, and Johnny killed Bob Sheldon.

But also the Socs will jump Greasers, they beat up Johnny, and they stole Cherry and Marcia back from Johnny and Ponyboy.

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13y ago
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11y ago

the greasers werent as classy and they didnt have as much wealth as the socs.

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13y ago

the greasers won the rumble because the socs ran and the rules were nothing but fists and the first one to run loses.

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12y ago

The Brumly boys and Shepard's gang participated in the rumble with the greasers.

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Basically anywhere cop-free.

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Q: Where do the socs and greasers fight?
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What is the rumble in The Outsiders?

The rumble is when the Greasers "have it out" with the socs. Its when the greasers and the socs fight.

Will The fight will change things for the greasers and the socs?

If the greasers win the next fight then the socs will feel embarrassed and leave them alone OR they will want a rematch.

What did the greasers fight for?

To end all the feuds between the greasers and the Socs.

How do the socs fight in The Outsiders?

Socs literally try to pick a fight and jump greasers for fun.

How many Socs were there to fight and how many greasers were there for the rumble?

In the Outsiders, the Greasers scared the Socs and won the rumble.

Could thre be anyway to stop the fight between the socs and the greasers?

No, its just been that way for ages. Socs have always hated greasers and greasers have always hated Socs. There's no way to stop it.

What makes the socs decide to fight the greasers without weapons?

The socs dont use weapons because they are playing by the greasers rules and want it to be fair.

What is A fight against gangs in the outsiders?

they have a rumble(fight) usually hoods and greasers on one side and the socs on the other side.

Where did most of the action in the outsiders take place?

Socs and Greasers fight.

What additional problem did the three brothers face after Ponyboy's return?

There was a rumble that the greasers and socs have to fight off. The fight was to get socs off their territory

Who did greasers fight in outsiders?

The greasers (rip Johnny and Dally) fight the socs. the snobby rich kids who live in the south side of town.

Why are the socs and greasers going to fight?

they are going 2 fight cause johnny killed bob