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Someone with less than perfect vision.

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Q: Who would wear spectacles?
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Related questions

Where on your body would you wear a spectacles?

Spectacles is another name for glasses and you wear them on your face/head

Where on your body would you wear spectacles?

You wear spectacles over your eyes like glasses. They are like monacles, but for both eyes.

Which chipmunk wear spec?

Simon wears spectacles .

What is the difference between microscope and a spectacles?

spectacles are glasses like you wear on your face. a microscope is a tool used to identify small objects

How do people already using spectacles wear 3D glasses?

You just wear them over your glasses. The 3d glasses are a bit bigger than normal glasses so they will easily fit over your spectacles.

You are about to remove a wound drain if you wear glasses spectacles you do not need to wear safety glassess that true or False?


What causes to wear spectacles?

People wear spactacles when their vision needs improvement. This will be determined by seeing your eye doctor.

Can you join the air force if you wear spectacles?

Yes, but you cannot become a pilot.

Why must you wear safety spectacles when handling dilute hydrochloric acid?

In the name

Does dogs have good eye sight?

They must have because dogs don't wear spectacles

Why a monocle not spectacles?

If you could not be fitted for an artificial eye due to eyelid damage you would wear a patch and a monocle would fit better for reading rather than dealing with glasses.

Why do spectacles have thin lenses?

Spectacles will have as thin or thick lenses as needed to to give the wearer good vision. But sinsce heavy spectacles are more uncomfortable to wear than lighter ones, opticians generally tries to make the lenses as thin as possible.