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Justice Harry Blackmun wrote the opinion of the Court; Chief Justice Warren Burger and Justices Potter Stewart and William O. Douglas wrote concurring opinions; Justices Byron White and William H. Rehnquist wrote dissenting opinions.

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Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113 (1973)

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Associate Justices William H. Rehnquist and Byron White each wrote dissenting opinions.

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Harry Blackmun.

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Q: Who wrote the Supreme Court majority opinion in Roe v Wade?
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Who wrote the us supreme court's majority opinion in the 1973 miller v California case?

Chief Justice Warren Burger

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Who wrote the Supreme Court opinion for Brown v. Board of Education?

The Supreme Court opinion for Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), was written by Chief Justice Earl Warren. The decision was unanimous, which means all nine justices agreed with the opinion.

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Early in Chief Justice Marshall's tenure on the Supreme Court, the majority of votes were unanimous; the other justices usually voted with Marshall, who then wrote the opinion of the court himself.Marshall's influence weakened in the waning days of his career, as more Democratic-Republicans were appointed to succeed Federalist justices.

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Yes. Chief Justice John Marshall is directly associated with the Supreme Court's use of judicial review due to the opinion he wrote for Marbury v. Madison, (1803).

What was the vote of the roe v wade case?

The supreme court decision in the case Roe v. Wade was 7 votes for Roe, and 2 votes against Roe. ....... legal provision: Due process. the judges in the case were ( by last name ): Burger ( wrote a regular conurence..... voted for women to have a right to abbortion.) Douglas ( wrote a regular concurence) Brennan ( voted with the majority) Stewart ( wrote a regular concurence) White ( wrote a dissent ... voted that we should not have the right to abbortion.) Marshall ( voted with the majority) Blackmun ( wrote the majority opinion) Powell ( voted with the majority) Rehnquist ( wrote a dissent.)

Who wrote the opinion of the Court for Lawrence v. Texas?

Lawrence v. Texas, 539 US 558 (2003)Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the opinion of the Court, and was joined by Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsberg, and Breyer. Justice O'Connor voted with the majority, but wrote a separate concurring opinion rather than signing Kennedy's.Chief Justice Rehnquist, and Justices Scalia and Thomas dissented.

Which Chief Justice ruled on the Dred Scott decision?

The Chief US Supreme Justice at the time of the Dred Scott decision was Justice Taney. He wrote the majority decision that proclaimed that Blacks in the USA could never be citizens. It was a 7 to 2 decision.

What types of opinions does the supreme court issue?

Written OpinionsThe four most common opinions:MajorityConcurringDissentingPer CuriamThe Court's Opinion (usually also the majority opinion) is synonymous with the Court's decision. The "Opinion of the Court" gives the verdict and explains the reasoning behind the decision reached. The privilege of writing the official opinion falls to the most senior justice in the majority group, or to the Chief Justice if he voted with the majority; this person may choose to write the opinion, or may assign the task to another member of the majority. If the justices who voted against the majority wish to issue a unified opinion, they simply decide amongst themselves who will write it.Individual justices may write their own opinions, usually concurring or dissenting, regardless of whether they agree with the majority. Justices may also "join" or sign any other written opinion they agree with, even if they agree with more than one point-of-view. This generally strengthens the opinion.All published opinions except Per Curiam decisions may be used as precedent in future litigation.Opinion of the Court - The official opinion, whether unanimous or by majority voteMajority opinion - Also called the "Opinion of the Court," this is the official verdict in the case that represents the vote of the majority of justicesPlurality opinion - A concurring opinion joined by more justices than the official Court opinionDissenting opinion - An opinion written by a justice who disagrees with the majorityDissenting in part - An opinion written by a justice who voted with the majority on the decision, but disagrees with a portion of the reasoning in the majority opinion, which he or she explains in writingUnanimous opinion - An opinion authored by one justice, often (but not always) the Chief Justice, and signed by all justicesConcurring opinion - An opinion that agrees with the decision but may disagree with the some of the reasoning behind the Court opinion, or may elaborate on a point made or introduce further relevant informationConcurring in part - Typically an opinion written by a justice who voted against the majority, but agrees with a portion of the majority opinion, which he or she explains in writingConcurring in judgment - An opinion written by a justice who agrees with the decision, but not with the reasoning used to reach the decisionConcurring in part and dissenting in part - An opinion written by a justice who may have voted either way, but wants to explain which points are in agreement and which are in disagreement.Per Curiam opinion: The opinion is given by the full court, unsigned by the JusticesSeriatim opinion: Each justice on the Court writes his or her own, separate opinion; there is no majority opinion, only a majority verdict. This type of opinion was more common in the 18th, and parts of the 19th, centuriesThe most important type is the majority opinion. The majority opinion is, as the name suggests, the opinion of the majority of judges hearing the case. In most cases, a majority opinion requires five Justices, unless one or more Justices have recused themselves from a given decision. The majority opinion is important because it defines the precedent that all future courts hearing a similar case should follow.Majority opinions are sometimes accompanied by concurring opinions. Concurring opinions are written by individual Justices in the majority. These opinions agree with the majority opinion, but may stress a different point of law. Sometimes, concurring opinions will agree with the result reached by the majority, but for a different reason altogether.Opinions written by justices not in the majority are known as dissenting opinions. Dissenting opinions are important because they provide insight into how the Court reached its decision.Sometimes the court issues so many separate opinions that whichever opinion is joined by the most justices is referred to as a plurality, rather than a majority. One recent example of a decision holding a plurality opinion is that of Baez et al., v. Rees (2008), where Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Kennedy and Alito signed one opinion, and Justice Stevens wrote a separate concurring opinion, as did Justices Scalia, Breyer, and Thomas (Scalia also joined Thomas' concurrence). Justice Ginsberg wrote a dissenting opinion in which Justice Souter joined.There are also a number of cases where members of the majority each wrote a concurring opinion, without creating a unified majority or plurality opinion, as well as cases where the court decision was released without the signature of any justice, in an anonymous fashion. This latter form is known as a per curiam decision. Bush v. Gore (2000) is a recent example. Cases decided per curiam do not create a precedent that can be cited in future litigation.Plurality and per curiam decisions tend to create confusion as to how a federal or constitutional law is to be interpreted.

Who was the author of decision in the plessy v Ferguson case?

Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the unanimous opinion of the Court in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, (1954). The Supreme Court only issues majority and dissenting opinions in cases where the Court is split. In Brown, all nine Justices supported the verdict, but none wrote concurring opinions.Case Citation:Brown v. Board of Education, 347 US 483 (1954)For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Who wrote majority opinion in Oregon v Mitchell 1970?

I did.....