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Emma Lazarus

yw :3 ive been searching for it for a long time .-.

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In one of my researches it said that it was a man but they didn't give his name

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Emma Lazarus

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Q: Who inscribed the words on the base of the statue of liberty?
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What is the name of the poem on the base on the statue of liberty?

The poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty is called The New Colossus

What is the statue of liberty's epithet?

The Statue of Liberty\'s epithet is "Liberty Enlightening the World." This phrase was inscribed on a plaque at the Statue\'s base in 1903. The phrase is commonly abbreviated to its initialsLEW.The phrase was chosen by the French sculptor Auguste Bartholdi and is intended to reflect the statue\'s symbolism of freedom and democracy. It is meant to represent the idea that liberty is a light that guides nations towards a brighter future.

What is the area of the base of the Statue of Liberty?

The iconic lines "Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free", is uniquely identified with the Statue of Liberty and is inscribed on a plaque in the museum in the base.

Where did they build the base for the Statue of Liberty?


How many stairs does the liberty statue have?

answer:364 stairs. answer: There are 154 stairs in the Statue of Liberty from the base of the pedestal up to the crown. (See attached link from Statue of Liberty website.)

Who wrote the lines of verse inscribed at thec base of liberty?

Emma Lazarus

Who paid for the base and the Statue of Liberty?

the united state

Are there masonic markings on base of statue of liberty?


What was written the base of the Statue of Liberty?

A poem - apex

What was written on the base of the Statue of Liberty?

A poem - apex

How did the Statue of Liberty get its base?

It was decided that America would design the base, and France would design the actual statue.

How many steps are in the Statue of Liberty in new york?

There are 354 steps from the base of the statue of liberty to the torch. (: