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What a question. I've had a boot fetish for as long as I can recall, and all I can say for sure is that I have no idea where it got its start. I think the problem that most girls have with fetishes is that there are guys who are so attached to this specific thing that they demand it as a part of sex, and sometimes the only part. Luckily I'm not wired that way, and I've never run into a partner yet who utterly refused to put on a pair of high-heeled knee-highs for me...or let me do it, or let me take them off for her.

One of my earliest memories is of running around in my older sister's cowgirl boots (she was 13 when I was 3), but trust me, that was part of it, not the start of it. The strange thing is, it's evolved over time and gotten more specific; for instance, I don't like low-heeled boots, and I don't like suede or cloth boots. I also feel like the tighter the boots are the sexier they are. Maybe it's weird, but it's just my thing, and it's not a demand; it's just a preference.

As for the question here ("Why?"), I can't answer it any more than anyone has been able to definitively figure out the psychology of the paraphilia, all the way back to Kraftt-Ebing and beyond. I'd be interested in hearing any other thoughts, though.

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Q: Why Do you Have a Boot Fetish?
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