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its a way of showing affection, or passing the feelings through to that person, showing them the love you truly have.

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Q: Why a boy holds the hand of girl at time of his first propose?
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If a girl holds your hand is she your girlfriend?

Ask her. It's not enough information for anyone else to answer.

Is it wrong if a girl holds your hand during a movie if she is dating someone else?

umm ya what is she thinking

What does it mean if girl holds your hand and holds it pretty hard when she said no to be your girlfriend before it happend?

It means, she thinks your gay... Good Look with that......... very funny...

what does it mean when your girl holds your hand?

it means a girls into you and comfortable to be around you, maybe the next move should be you kissing her.

If a girl at my work always calls me cutie and holds my hand for a few seconds does she like me?

Possibly. Just ask her directly why she does it.

How can you tell if a girl wants you to hold her hand?

If a girl holds your hand it means she really likes you so if you like her too then enjoy the fact she is holding hands with you. If you don't care for the girl in that way just be polite and let her hold your hand.

What if a man goes with holds a woman by hand?

First off, you need to be clearer, but I will try my hardest to answer with what I have. If a man holds a womans hand, that means he LOVES her. Try again later! Good luck! <3

What is the movie where a man pretends to put a girls hand in a garbage disposal?

The Mechanic [2011] [R] He holds the teenage girl's hand over an in-sink garbage disposal, the woman shouts, the man turns on the disposal and we see blood and chunks of tissue fly through the air (he turns off the disposal, holds up the teenage girl's hand, which is unharmed, and throws a piece of butcher meat on a counter.

When you propose do you put the ring on your partners hand for them?

No. You have to offer it to them to put on themselves.

What does it mean if he holds your hand but has a girlfriend?

It means he likes you and that he is not trust worthy and would treat you the same if he were to date you and found another girl he liked.

How do you read a girl's hand?

First the left hand is read to get an idea of the girl`s future destiny as it represents the future compared to the right one which is the past.