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When you ask a question then, sometimes - and only if your question is similar to one or more existing questions which may already have answers - you are asked some further questions after you have just asked a question.

This is done first of all to help you, by giving you answers immediately, if any exist. Secondly it helps all the other contributors to WikiAnswers who answer your questions, because they won't have to answer similar questions over and over again.

The questions displayed will probably contain some or many of the same words as are in the question you asked. Or, during the 'ask a question' process, other users have already said that your question is the same as an existing question and have allowed the system to make that question (meaning your question) an alternate wording to the existing one.

Remember you don't have to sign-up or pay anything to ask a question and receive an answer on WikiAnswers!

If your question is not immediately shown as a new question you may see another page headed:

Step 1: Is one of these your question? followed by one or more other questions which may look similar to the one you have just asked. These are some existing questions which other people have asked. Each question will be followed by a NO/YES query like this:

NO, but show me this one | YES, this is my question

If you are sure that one of these is the same as your new question then just press the YES button. If it is not the same as your new question you can press the NO button to see that other one anyway, which will open in a new window.

When you have finished viewing that question just close its window and you will be returned to the page where you can submit your own new question.

Then, if none of those existing questions is exactly like what you asked about, just scroll down the page until you reach the section headed:

Step 2: Review question wording and submit

That heading is followed by some notes to help you:

Required format: (1) In the form of a question, (2) one question at a time, (3) no punctuation, (4) no personal details or dates. See examples.

Then there is a tick box described like this:

Optional: Watch this question to be alerted when it is answered or edited

You can tick that box to request emails to be sent to you if someone answers or edits your question. Then, if you have not already signed-in to WikiAnswers as a registered user, you will be asked to register and/or log in so that emails can be sent to you about your question.

We always recommend you to check your question's spelling, and what it asks, as carefully as possible because this will help you to get the attention of someone who may know the answer!

When you are ready, then simply click the Submit Questionbutton and wait to see if you get an answer!

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Zz-Om-Bee . Thanks for using WikiAnswers, More questions to be asked by you!

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Many more than two questions can be merged on WikiAnswers. If the same question can be asked in dozens of ways, they all end up as alternates.

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it's easy just type in the question you asked and see what answers you have. Even more simply - if you don't have a lot of questions - just look in the blue area to the left and click on My Contributions.

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The people who try and answer questions placed in Wiki-answers need to be able to understand what is being asked. We know that sometimes people who ask the questions are young and may not have English as their first language so we try our best to interpret what is being asked and may edit the question to make it more clear. However, sometimes it is impossible to understand what the questioner wants to know and in these cases we move the question into a special category (not enough information to answer). Sometimes people also ask for information that would be illegal to provide, or ask questions asking for peoples personal information or to bully their colleagues. When we detect this sort of activity we also trash/reject the question. If you have had a question rejected and do not understand why, PLEASE ask a supervisor to explain.

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