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If the blood is brown it is usually old blood that is coming out leftover from your period. Red blood is a cause for concern and could mean that you may miscarry.

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if it is bright red, you need to call a doctor right now. if you are having cramps, it could be a miscarriage, and you need to get to an emergency room.

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Q: Why am i bleeding at 4 weeks pregnant and the blood is red and lumpy?
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CaLl ThE DoCtOr!!!

Can you have your period if you are one to two weeks pregnant?

No but you can have implantation bleeding

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you have your period

If you get your period and spot blood once almost 2 weeks later after unprotected sex are you pregnant?

Yes you could be pregnant. Take a test when you miss you period. It could be implantation bleeding.

Causes of bleeding when 4 weeks pregnant?

All depends on what bleeding you are having, I't might be implantation bleeding if it is little, pinkinsh or brown. If there is a lot of blood and you have pain you might be having a miscarraige. Contact you care giver for advise.

You are 4 and a half weeks pregnant and you started bleeding what does that mean?

Lots of blood is bad. If it is like a period, head for the doctor as soon as humanly possible.

Why are you lightly bleeding for 2 days at 9 weeks pregnant?

there is no reason to be bleeding at all while pregnant so contact your doctor immediately:/

Is it possible to pass blood clots during pregnancy and not miscarry?

Yes, it is possible. I had a sub chorionic bleed that caused cramping and bleeding, including passing clots, for about 3 weeks. My doctor monitored me with ultrasounds to confirm the pregnancy was viable and that I was not at risk of serious bleeding. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and have not had any bleeding for approximately 2 weeks.