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AB blood does not have any A or B antibodies. If it did, then the antibodies would bind to the A and B antigens found on its own blood cells and clot. A person with this blood type can still have antibodies (such as antibodies to the Rh factor).

AB blood types are considered "universal acceptors" because they can take any blood type in a transfusion, provided the Rh factor is the same.

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Q: Why antibody is absent in ab blood group?
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Why ab blood group not produce any antibody?

It produces antigens instead

Why clumping takes place when ab blood group is given to o group?

due to antigen antibody reaction. it is the principal of the blood group

What is the antibody of the antigen AB?

Type AB blood doed not contain any antibodies. I does have Antigens A and B.

Will the B antibody in the plasma donor blood group A agglutinate the A antigen of the AB recipient and Why?

Yes. A person with blood group antibody B can not donate blood to another person with group A because it will agglutinates as they blood group A can only be donated to to a person with blood group A. Even though you donate whole blood, all of it is not given unless you both have the exact blood type. A person with A type (who has B antibodies in their plasma) will only donate their cells. No antibodies will be given. So AB can be given A but without the plasma which has the antibodies.

What is the universial recipient blood type?


Ab blood group?

If you are in the AB blood group, you can only donate blood to others in the AB group. You can receive blood from any group.

ABO blood groups are based on the presence of?

Antigens A & B. If the person inherits just A or B they will be in that blood group, but if they inherit both types of antigens they will be in the AB group, and if they inherit no antibodies they will be in the O group

Antigens on red blood cells?

Type A blood has the A antigen and the Antibody anti- B Type B blood has the B antigen and the Antibody anti-a Type AB has antigens AB Type O blood has no antigens, and both the antibodies anti-a and anti-b AB is the universal receiver and O is the universal donor.

Why can type O blood be donated to anyone?

It contains neither A antigen nor B antigen. their blood can be given to individuals of any other blood group red cells do not carry either A or B antigen and hence they do not react with their corresponding antibodies. Remember that an immune respond can only be trigger when the antigen is present in the blood. In another word the blood originally have no any antibody but upon antigen contact it will trigger the immune respond thus antibody is produced and agglutination of blood occur. for rhesus factor there are memory cell so the antibody is still present. That is why when an O blood group without any antigen and antibody (it have both antibody but it is not create yet as there is nothing to trigger its immune respond) can donate to AB group which has no antibody (which mean it will not be trigger by any blood group) but have both antigen (remember that all donated blood have no antibody as there is no immune respond to trigger it thus the AB blood with both antigen is fine; except rhesus factor if it have memory cell)

Which blood type carries both a and b antigens but either the antibody a or b?

Group AB carries both A and B antigens and NO antibodies to A or B antigen. If you have a group AB person with an anti-A or anti-B, then you are looking a person who is a weaker subgroup of A or B.

Ab blood ethnic group?

Ab- blood most commonly found in what ethnic group

Which blood group is the universal receiver AB or AB?