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They provide transport proteins with the energy needed to pump molecules against their concentration gradients.

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Q: Why are ATPases associated with active transport proteins?
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Cell membrane

What us active transport?

Considering that active transport is the movement of a solute across a biological membrane such that the movement is directed upward in a concentration gradient (i.e., against the gradient) and requires the expenditure of energy. Acrtive transport is an endergonic process that is often coupled to the hydrolisis of ATP. Three types of ATP hydrolizing, transmembrane proteins or "pumps" are known that actively transport cations: a) P-type ATPases, located mostly in plasma membranes; b) F-type ATPases (F1F0), located in mitochondria; and c) V-type ATPases, located in plant vacuolar membranes and acidic vesicle, such as animal lysosomes.The most known active transport pumps are: (Na+-K+)-ATPase of plasma membrane, Ca2+-ATPase , and (H+-K+)-ATPase of gastric mucosa.Finally, the most known ions that use active transport are Na+, K+, and Ca2+.

What molecule uses active transport?

Considering that active transport is the movement of a solute across a biological membrane such that the movement is directed upward in a concentration gradient (i.e., against the gradient) and requires the expenditure of energy. Acrtive transport is an endergonic process that is often coupled to the hydrolisis of ATP. Three types of ATP hydrolizing, transmembrane proteins or "pumps" are known that actively transport cations: a) P-type ATPases, located mostly in plasma membranes; b) F-type ATPases (F1F0), located in mitochondria; and c) V-type ATPases, located in plant vacuolar membranes and acidic vesicle, such as animal lysosomes.The most known active transport pumps are: (Na+-K+)-ATPase of plasma membrane, Ca2+-ATPase , and (H+-K+)-ATPase of gastric mucosa.Finally, the most known ions that use active transport are Na+, K+, and Ca2+.

What is the role of transport proteins in active transport?

Active transport requires energy, unlike passive transport. The carrier proteins in active transport act as a "pump" ( fueled by ATP) to carry/attach themselfves to useful proteins for the cell.

Is transport proteins active transport or passive transport?


Is a protein channel active transport?

They are two major active transport proteins.

To perform active transport cells use?

atp and transport proteins. novanet.

Are carrier proteins active or passive transport?


Which proteins are used in active and passive transport?

Carrier Proteins

What are a series of carrier proteins?

Active transport involves carrier proteins. Carrier proteins bind themselves to particles and transport them to highly concentrated areas within a cell.Facilitated diffusion and active transport require carrier proteins.

What are the proteins used in active transport called?

i dont not know so someone answer it soon please:(

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