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Most Spiders in general are considered pests. Black Widow spiders are relatively poisonous and thus considered more of a pest than many spiders.

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Q: Why are Black Widow Spiders considered pests?
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What is good about a black widow?

it gets rid of pests and its "husband"

What part does the black widow play in the ecosystem?

The black widow contributes to it's ecosystem in (mainly) the same way that most spider do: by consuming small insects, namely flies and mosquitoes. The black widow also help control pests that affect crops such as locusts, caterpillars, grasshoppers, etc. The black widow can not be safely consumed by birds, since when the birds eat their venom glands they are poisoned. However, black widow spiders are eaten by mud-dauber wasps. Generally, in ecosystems where the black widow spider is not present another species of spider will be present to control the insect population. black widows have red dots on their belly.just a fun little fact. i'm sorry if anything is spelld rong i am just 8. (Elsa)

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They eat pests, including other spiders, as mostly all spiders do.

How do you get rid of spiders on strawberry plants?

why would you want to? spiders are natural predetures who eat the pests that damage your strawberries and the spiders do you no harm.

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A leaf mantis eats other bugs as an adult. Usually they eat crickets, flies, spiders, and other insects considered pests by humans.

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Do you want to know something about tiny red spiders? There are many spiders that are red. There are probably many spiders that could be thought of as "tiny red ones." Adult chiggers look a little like spiders. They have eight legs. But they only have one main body part instead of two like spiders. One tiny red spider makes a sheet web. They catch very small insects.

Are ants and fleas considered pests?

Yes, ants and fleas are considered to be pests. There are exterminators that can be hired to take care of pests like ants and fleas.

Should you get rid of yellow spiders?

what for? they eat pests and other bugs and dont bother you do they?

What functions do the garden spiders serve?

they control other pests in your garden and are food for the birds

What are pests of plant?

Weeds, insects, bacteria, fungi, Spiders, birds, rodents, etc.

What spiders can kill humans?

In Rare cases the black widow's and the brown recluse spiders can kill humans but it is extremely rare. Most of the time when bitten by one of these spiders you will be fine, even if you don't go see a doctor, however I highly recommend seeing a doctor immediately. Extremely skinny people and people with high blood pressure are more likely to get severe problems/damage from the bite. However, most of the time you will be fine even without treatment (I still wouldn't risk it however). In reality spiders (kingdom: animal, phylum: Arthropoda (greek for jointed foot/appendage) class: Arachnida, order: Araneae) are our little friends who are a natural pest control (though can be considered pests as well by people with arachnophobia). In other word even though they're creepy as heck, they help us out quite a lot and demand our respect. I'm not saying don't step on spiders or anything(can't say that cause I'm terrified of them and if necessary I will kill them), I'm just saying unless absolutely necessary, leave them alone. Thanks

What does a crab spider eat?

Crab Spiders camouflage in flowers and eat bees and butterflies that come in search of nectar. Crab spiders can kill insects much larger than them. Mother Crab spiders do not eat. Giant Crab spiders eat cockroaches and pests that crawl in roses. They eat insects that come close. They eat bees. Crab spiders use a rapid position to kill their food. They eat pests that are near. Crab spiders catch their prey with their front legs