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A biotic community is defined as a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other. In the order of life, a biotic community can not exist with macroconsumers in order for life to continue.

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9y ago

Animals are described as macro consumers in the biotic community because they depend on other organisms for their food. Examples include: cows, sheep, bats, mice and ducks.

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Q: Why are animals described as macroconsumer in the biotic community?
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Why animals are describe as macroconsumer in a biotic community?

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The biotic factors are the living things in that area. That is, biotic factors are the flora (plants) and fauna (animals) of an area.

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a community is refering to the biotic factors in an ecosystem. an ecosystem consists of both biotic and abiotic factors. ( abiotic= non-living things ex. air, dirt sunlight, etc.)(biotic=living things ex. plants, animals, bacteria, etc.)

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