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Q: Why are baby elephants that are born in captivity born dead?
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What might happen to baby elephants if the poaching didnt cease?

I think that the baby elephants would be dead if the poaching didn't stop.

How African elephants protect their baby and wife?

So if the dad see a animals coming he step on it then its dead.

What is a still-born baby?

A stillborn baby is a baby who is born dead

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It would be born dead, and a zombie.

What are still born babies do they have a chance of surrviveing?

That is a very hard question. They are both dead but alive at the same time?

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What do the elephants have that no other animal has?

Elephants have remorse for the dead and a good memory. If a member of an elephants family dies, then the surviving members will return to the site of the death every year to "mourn." Their trunks are also unique, being made up of 100,000 individual muscles.

What does stillborn mean?

Stillborn is a baby from 24 weeks that is born but was not alive at birth. Before 24 weeks it is called a miscarriage.A stillborn, unfortunately, is a baby that has died before birth while still in the womb, and when the baby is extracted from the mother, they call the baby a stillborn.

Who wants to kill elephants and why?

smugglers and poachers who want the money they can get from dead elephants.

What eats dead elephants?


What do mammals feel when they lose their offspring?

If a female Cape Buffalo lost her calf I'm sure that the mama knows that her calf is dead and she will not have any feelings or charge at the predators that killed her baby. But with Elephants, Elephants would stay with their dead comrade and after a while they would continue on. Its sad but yea its life!

Do elephants eat dead animals if plants die?

elephants aren't carnivores they are omnivores