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Fluoride is added to publicly supplied drinking water for its prophylactic benefit in retarding or preventing toot decay, especially in growing children. That happens because tooth enamel acts as a semi- permeable membrane and allows the passage of fluoride ion necessary to impart decay resistance. It is much the same as prophylactic fluoride treatments that dentists provide to children during routine dental visits--only in much lower concentration.

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13y ago
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8y ago


It is added to the water to reduce tooth decay.

Fluoride is not bad for you. It is considered by most public health experts to be one of the major advances in public health of the last century. Unfortunately, it has become politicized and the target of internet conspiracy theorists. What one must remember is that everything is toxic (even water and oxygen) at high enough levels. "The dose makes the poison" and so when reading the claims of people citing support to the claims of the evils of fluoride one must pay attention to make sure they are not citing industrial exposures, high dose supplements, etc etc.

  • It does reduce tooth decay dramatically.
  • It saves society money by promoting better health.
  • It is associated with less gum disease, which may be a contributing factor in Heart disease.
  • Nearly all dental fluorosis (mottling of the teeth from too much fluoride) is from eating toothpaste or taking too much supplementation in pill form, not from drinking water.
  • There is no credible evidence that it causes cancer.
  • There is no credible evidence that fluoride from drinking water causes osteoporosis or fractures (taking high dose pills can and studies of drinking water are on-going).
  • There is no credible evidence that it causes birth defects, ADD or other toxicity at the doses found in water.
  • It is not plausible that dentist are uninformed about such a central issue of dental health, especially one that is so publicly and actively debated. If the stat about dentists in areas with fluoridated water is true that is probably because those areas are more affluent and health conscious.

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13y ago

If you mean fluoride it`s because it is so expensive to get rid of it that they put it everywhere like drinkwater and toothpaste, and then they say it is good for your teeth.

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12y ago

The scope is to destroy pathogenic microorganisms from the water. Fluorine is also an element useful to fight against teeth cavities.

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12y ago

to clean and filter the water and make it taste better

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11y ago

To drinking water chlorine or chlorine compounds are added for disinfection.

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15y ago

To make people's eyes bleed.

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it increses tooth strength.

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What is added to drinking water?

All sorts of things are added to water, from whiskey to orange juice. If you mean added by the public water supply company, the common ones are chlorine to kill bacteria and fluoride to reduce tooth decay.

What happens if chlorine is added to fluoride?

A displacement reaction takes place

True or false chlorine fluoride are added to the tap water?

I believe it is correct (true), for England at least, but I'm not entirely sure...

What is water in?

If you mean regular water, two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen. But, in city water treatment facilities, fluoride and a small amount of chlorine may be added in.

Is your tap water pure water?

No, it has chlorine in it, and sometimes fluoride, as well.

What chemical is added to water to protect teeth?

Fluoride is added to drinking water to prevent tooth decay

When did chlorine start to be added to drinking water in the UK?

In the U.S. - 1945. However, a lot of cities have naturally fluoridated water. In the U.S., there are a lot of news articles about adding fluoride to water. But for the rest of the world, too much fluoride in the water is a concern and there are lots of programs to remove it down to safe levels.

What does fluoride do to your drinking water?

Fluoride is added to public drinking water to help prevent cavities.

Compare the chemicals or minerals in our tap water and NEWater ..?

fluoride chlorine

Is fluoride or chlorine put into water to reduce tooth decay?

yes it is

Which is best for food plants tap or alkaline water?

Most people use regular tap water, which contains fluoride and chlorine, for food plants. Alkaline water does not have those additives. Both fluoride and chlorine can be harmful to some plants.

What is used to moved the water along during the purification process?

chlorine and fluoride