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The continents are thicker and less dense than the materials that make up the ocean basins.

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12y ago

because of the compostion of the rock,continents are higher in silca content

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Q: Why do continents float high relative to the ocean basin?
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The continents and the ocean basin make up a part of the earth called the ...............?

The Hydrosphere

What is the ocean of molten rock on which the continents float called?

There is no ocean of molten rock underneath the continents. Tectonic plates, both oceanic and continental, move on top of the ductile asthenosphere.

Do continents reach the bottom of the ocean?

They do touch the ocean floor. they're like a giant mound, and the beaches flow into the water.

Surface land area of the Earth's crust including continents and ocean basins?

Your question makes no sense, an ocean basin is an OCEAN not land area and therefore including it is impossible.

Are Ocean trenches very common for the Atlantic Basin?

No, in general the Atlantic basin is very young and the ocean is still getting wider each year. This means that the continents either side are moving in the same direction as the ocean floor so oceanic crust is not yet being forced down into the mantle at the basin margins.

What is the shallowest ocean basin?

The Arctic Ocean Basin

What is the largest landform under the ocean?

the continental shelf ;)

What is the scientific name for the ocean floor?

Abyssal Plain.

What are the continents not touched by the Pacific Ocean?

The continents that do not have Pacific Ocean coasts are Europe and Africa.

The largest landform under the ocean is an ocean?

Ocean Basin

What does deep-ocean basin consist of?

the deep ocean basin consist of the deepest part of the ocean . :)

Which ocean is north of all 7 continents?

The ocean that is North of all 7 Continents is the Arctic Ocean.