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The temperatures are a bit too cold to support coral reefs, here on the East Coast.

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Q: Why are coral reefs not on east coast of US?
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What is the reason why coral reefs can only be found on the southern coast of the us?

Due to ocean currents

Why Doesn't US have Coral Reefs in the ocean surrounding Canada?

Much of Canadian coast is too cold for coral reefs... plus the US doesn't share the Canadian coastline. (because they're different countries)

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What are the activities that can save coral reefs from destruction?

coral reefs are destructed because the other human getting coral reefs to sell us a tourist spot or souvenirs to have money

How are coral reefs being endangered?

The way coral reefs are being endangered are by us. We keep on throwing waste on the beaches. The water washes up on shore. And the waste floats down to the coral reefs. And the fishes and species that live there are either eating it or living in it. If they eat it the chemicals in the waste can kill them! if they are living in them then the saltwater in the coral reefs since the water is so warm, it release the chemicals in the water and the water gets into the species gills and kills them. It is up to us to stop throwing or leaving waste on the beaches so the coral reefs aren't in dangered anymore. So that is how the caorl reefs are endangered.

What is a good closing sentence for a research paper on coral reefs?

In conclusion the coral reefs are a vital part to our oceans us humans admire them we in essence just like to look at them and not to mention they are a spectical.

Where is the US exposed to coral reefs?

if you listen to Lose Yourself by Eminem, youll be awesome

What is the human impact on coral reefs?

Human activity is placing a third of coral reefs at serious risk of extinction. These activities include increased coastal development, sedimentation due to poor land-use and watershed management, sewage discharge, pollution from agrochemicals, coral mining and over-fishing.

How can eco tourism help coral reefs?

Eco tourism can help us by making sure that some places are out of bounds. Also they can help us by keeping boats away from coral reefs and making sure no-one throws grenades or spills poison

Are Georgia's sea islands made of coral?

No, they are really large sand banks, like most of the barrier islands up the east coast of the US.

Which is farther east the east coast of the US or the east coast of South America?

The east coast of South America