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Because Adam was the first man and Eve was the first woman created by God. In the beginning God created man to rule over this world (Earth) and God created woman for man's companion, but because of their sin by disobeying God, they were forced out of the Garden of Eden.

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Everyone would like to know how everything was created, who created it and why we were created. For this reason, the creation account is important. The Bible begins by answering these questions in the first chapters of Genesis.

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12y ago

Among other reasons, the narrative of God creating the universe is uncompromising in its declaration that the One God created all things (including time and space, by the way), without recourse to any primordial substance; and that the creation was done to provide a backdrop upon which people would be tested, and act via their free-will.

The Torah creation-account, unlike various ancient stories, does not attribute creation to a multitude of warring, flawed deities and their demigod offspring. In addition, the Torah account makes human responsibility foremost, stressing the lesson that the world is not a happy-go-lucky place in which people may cavort as they see fit.

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8y ago

Because of maintaining traditions, and because of their moral and spiritual implications. Is the world chaotic, or is there a caring God? See also:

Is there evidence against Evolution?

God's wisdom seen in His creations

Can you show that God exists?

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8y ago

People intuitively realise that unless their God created their world, he lacks purpose and can probably be ignored. So, to maintain faith, religious leaders place great store on teaching the creation stories of their religion.

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8y ago

The narrative of Creation in Genesis is important for us because it informs us that this world is a purposeful creation by God, in which all people are to be tested concerning their use of free-will. We possess a soul which lives on after the body dies and is held responsible for the person's actions. Anyone who is worthy can merit reward in the afterlife.

The significance of God's creation is that it serves as the stage upon which we exercise our God-given free will, hopefully in serving Him.

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Because it explains that humans were created by God, and it provides important lessons, such as our responsibility to Him. See also:

Creation or Evolution?

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1) It marks the start of all history 2) It reminds us that we are all created by God

3) It informs us that we are all responsible to Him

4) It marks the beginning of the institution of marriage and the family

See also:

Is there evidence for Creation?

Can you show that God exists?

Seeing God's wisdom

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13y ago

The story of Abraham is important because it's the story of the beginning of the Jewish religion.

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10y ago

The story of creation simply tells us what God did. It tells us that Creation was purposeful, that this world exists for a reason, that God is there, and much more.

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Q: Why are creation stories important for religious people?
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