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Halloween originated with the ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain.

The Celts celebrated their new year on November 1 (also known as All Saints Day) and believed that the night before, ghosts of the dead returned to earth. To ward off evil spirits, they would dress in costume so to not be recognizable.

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Q: Why do the evil spirits supposedly come out on Halloween?
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Why do you celebate Halloween?

for CANDY!!!!! and alot of christians do roasts and stuffnlike that The Celts used to belive that the evil spirits would come. They dressed them thelves up as scary monsters to scare the evil spirits of...

Why did Ireland where costumes on Halloween?

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In many countries fireworks are not used at halloween; where they are it is to frighten away evil spirits.

What is the similarities between the day of the dead and Halloween?

Halloween and Day of the Dead both have to do with the spirits of the dead, though Halloween has more to do with warding off evil spirits and Day of the Dead is focused more on welcoming the spirits of family ancestors back into the household, and respecting the dead.

Why are witches ghosts spirits elves and fairies a part of Halloween?

Because the pagans who made the festival thought they could scare away evil spirits with more evil spirits; sounds crazy, but it's true, really!

Why was Holloween invented?

Halloween was invented as a way to fight of evil spirits. Dressing up in a costume scared the evil spirits away. Over the years, it has developed into what people celebrate today.

What part of a Halloween costume did people believe would scare away evil spirits?

The mask

What did villagers scare away on Halloween?

Villagers scared away evil on Halloween. At that time, villagers scared away witches and evil spirits. Villagers were very scared of witches in the early days of this country.

Why do you have to derss up in Halloween?

An old legend is that people dress up as monsters to frighten/keep away evil spirits. I would try dressing up as a fairy princess, the evil spirits will be afraid of you girlie-ness.

Why do we wear costume on Halloween?

Old folklore states that people started wearing Halloween costumes because it scared the evil spirits away. Now, people wear costumes for fun.

Why do we wear Halloween costumes?

Old folklore states that people started wearing Halloween costumes because it scared the evil spirits away. Now, people wear costumes for fun.