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It's a taste sensation. The fizzy drinks make the mouth feel clean (especially when the mouth is dry.)

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Q: Why are fizzy drinks so popular?
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Related questions

What does sugar do in fizzy drinks?

The dissolved CO2 in fizzy drinks is bitter. Sugar makes the fizzy drinks taste good by covering the bitter taste with a sweet flavor so you want to drink it.

Do the English drink fizzy drinks?

Absolutely - lemonade and Coca-Cola amongst others are popular drinks

Is nitrogen in fizzy drinks?

No. Fizzy drinks contain carbon dioxide.

What are chemicals in fizzy drinks?

The fizz in the drinks are from carbon dioxide.

Is carbon dioxide in fizzy drinks?

Yes i think so.

Can you take medication with fizzy drinks?

Yes, you may take medication with fizzy drinks.

Why are a fizzy drinks bottle made of plastic?

Not all fizzy drinks are bottled in plastic.

What is the purpose of acid in fizzy drinks?

To make it fizzy.

What does the fizzy drinks containes?

The fizzy drinks that are normally called pop or soda and contain carbon dioxide to make them bubble. There are many different flavors and varieties of this type of soda. Popular brands are Pepsi and Coke.

Do fizzy drinks carry more sugar than sport drinks?

Yes Fizzy drinks carry more sugar compare to sport drinks.

How does carbon dioxide make drinks fizzy?

The gas dissolves when under pressure in a liquid. When the pressure is released the gas expands rapidly causing the fizz.

What is in fizzy drinks carbon dioxide hydrogen nitrogen or oxygen?

Carbon dioxide is what makes drinks fizzy.