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Even hamsters that are siblings will fight because they like to live alone. Dwarf hamsters can live together though, but only if they re brought up together.

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Q: Why are hamsters fighting if brought up together?
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What happens if you keep the fighting hamsters together?

They will kill eachother. You will end up losing both of those hamsters if you keep them together so my advice is to seperate them immediately!

Do all hamsters get along?

no, not all hamsters will get along with each other. syrians cant live together as they will fight and possibly kill each other. dwarf hamsters are usually social but can end up fighting if there isn't enough room for them

Should you split the hamsters up right when they start fighting?

A hamster should be separated from its mother and brothers and sisters at 5 weeks old. If they are kept together any longer they will start fighting each other. At that age it is safe to remove them.

Syrian hamsters or dwarf hamsters?

I recommend getting a dwarf hamster because dwarf hamsters are less territorial and most of the time can be kept together in the same cage. If you put two Syrian hamsters together they will fight to the death.

Can you put dwarf hamsters and guinea pigs together?

No. The guinea pig is much bigger than a dwarf hamster, and putting them together may cause harm to the dwarf hamster.

Are Gerbils good with dogs and cats?

If they are brought up together or if the cat or dog is used to small animals, then you may not have a problem. Most of the time though, cats and dogs view gerbils, hamsters, etc. as prey items.

I am saving up to buy hamsters so they will have babies. I am doing a lot of research but I am confused. What kind How Many Please answer?

If you want two hamsters to mate then it is up to you what type. Syrian hamsters are very terrotorial and like to live on their own so their is a chance that there will be fighting if you put them together. Russians and dwarfs like to live in pairs so this might be a good idea. Remember you need to think about what you are going to do with the babies because these will again mate.

What was becoming more irrelevant during the Renaissance?

Renaissance brought in more philosophy and science. This brought people together and to stand up for what they believe in.

How do you stop hamsters from fighting?

You cannot stop two hamsters from fighting. It doesn't matter what two genders they are, or how young or old. They will keep having that urge to fight with each other. The only way to prevent them from fighting would be to put them both in separate cages, each cage a large enough cage so they could each have enough space that they are comfortable with. There's that way, or you could always sell one if you wish to take that route. I've dealt with hamsters before.

Will my two male teddy bear hamsters end up fighting in adulthood since there in the same cage?

More than likely yes

Are Syrian hamsters happier in pairs?

No, syrian hamster are known to be SOLITARY animals so they dont need to be in a pair. They are very happy been kept alone.

Can you put a panda bear and short hair hamster in the same cage?

Please don't do that ( I think they're Syrian hamsters ). They will end up fighting and may even kill each other. For your hamsters sake please don't do it.