

Why did primates Evolve?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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All organisms, not just primates, need to evolve to be better adapted to their conditions. Animals change over time because they are faced with new conditions and they need to be better able to survive and reproduce.

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12y ago

Primate originated as a word to describe a leader, especially a religious one. The root word "prime" means "first"

The word is probably given to primates because it is among the most intelligent animal groups.

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12y ago

People did not ever evolve from animals. If they had, then why wouldn't they evolve today?


People evolved in response to stresses on the species. Those who can't survive don't live to pass their ability on to their descendants. This is the basis of evolution. A recent example is the ability of some humans to digest milk while others cannot do this. This was in response to a need to use an available food source (cow's milk) during some lean period in our history. Those people alive at that time couldn't make use of this food, those with the necessary mutation could. We survived the others starved. In some areas (such as Asia) the need for this alternate food did not arise and the mutation never became widespread as it offered no advantage.

The ability to digest milk in adulthood, conferred by genetic changes occurred as recently as 3,000 years ago. Interestingly enough it happened independently in both Europe and Africa due to similar pressures.

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13y ago

The word itself means "prime, first rank" because humans (and closely related species) were considered the pinnacle of evolution. Primates include simians (monkeys and apes) and prosimians (lemurs, tarsiers, and other species).

Simiformes (simians) are divided into monkeys and apes, apes are divided into lesser apes and great apes, great apes (hominidae) are divided into homininae and ponginae (orangutans), homininae are divided into hominini and gorillini (gorillas), and the hominini are humans (genus Homo) and chimps (genus Pan). and also....humans are not called primates because humans arent monkeys...we are human- beings:)

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12y ago

Because we are primates/our closest ancestor species that is still living is a primate.

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