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3' and 5' refer to the ends of a strand. The 3' end will have the 3rd carbon on the deoxyribose sugar unbound. The 5' end will have the 5th carbon on the deoxyribose sugar unbound. As chains are antiparralel in the DNa duplex 5' of one strand will be next to 3' of the other. Hope that helps

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DNA polymerase can assemble DNA only in the 5' to 3' direction

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Q: Why the strands in DNA are named as 3' and 5?
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What okazaki fragments are?

In DNA replication, the two DNA strands acting as templates need to be synthesized simultaneously. DNA polymerase is an enzyme which can synthesize the DNA only in 5' to 3' direction.the two template strands are anti-parallel to each other and their complementary strands are synthesized in different direction. In one of the strand DNA is synthesized continuously by adding nucleotides at 3'-OH end. this is referred as 'leading strand' synthesis. the other strand to be synthesized is replicated in short fragments referred 'Okazaki fragments' named after their discoverer Reiji Okazaki.

The direction of DNA replication on the leading strand occurs in the?

The enzyme DNA polymerase synthesises strands in the 5 prime to 3 prime direction, and as DNA is antiparallel the replication of the leading strand occurs from the 3 prime end of the template to the 5 prime end of the template.

Why does Dna have both leading and lagging Strands?

The lagging strand is called the lagging strand because, unlike the leading strand, DNA polymerase can not replicate in a 5' to 3' uninterrupted flow on this strand. Remember, DNA has two strands that run ANTIPARALLEL, one to the other; in other words they run in opposite directions.

What are the 3 rules that DNA replication must follow?

DNA cannot replicate de novo (i.e. there must be a free 3' OH group to attach nucleotides to) Replication must go from 5' to 3' The two strands of DNA are antiparallel Complementary base pairing

What DNA strand would bond opposite?

assuming that 5' CTGA 3': 3' GACT 5'

Related questions

What is birectional replication in DNA?

A DNA molecule has two complementary strands, the top (leading) one is 5' to 3' and the bottom (lagging) one is 3' to 5'. The 5' carbon has a phosphate group linked to it and the 3' carbon has a hydroxyl group. During replication, both strands get replicated however DNA strands due to their molecular structure can only be replicated from 5' to 3' so the lagging strand is replicated in 5' to 3' pieces called Okazaki fragments. However, even with this, replication still happens in both strands, even if in the same direction (5' to 3').

How many strands of DNA are used as templates during replication?

5'-3' : One strand

Complementary strand of dna AAT?

Answer and Explanation: For the sequence 5′-GATTACA-3′, the complementary DNA strand would be 3′-CTAATGT-5′. Often, DNA strands are written in the 5′ to 3′ direction, so the complementary strand would be 5′-TGTAATC-3′ when written 5′ to 3′. What is complementary to mRNA?

When constructing the DNA molecule what did you notice about the orientation the two strands?

No idea. Biologers

What okazaki fragments are?

In DNA replication, the two DNA strands acting as templates need to be synthesized simultaneously. DNA polymerase is an enzyme which can synthesize the DNA only in 5' to 3' direction.the two template strands are anti-parallel to each other and their complementary strands are synthesized in different direction. In one of the strand DNA is synthesized continuously by adding nucleotides at 3'-OH end. this is referred as 'leading strand' synthesis. the other strand to be synthesized is replicated in short fragments referred 'Okazaki fragments' named after their discoverer Reiji Okazaki.

The direction of DNA replication on the leading strand occurs in the?

The enzyme DNA polymerase synthesises strands in the 5 prime to 3 prime direction, and as DNA is antiparallel the replication of the leading strand occurs from the 3 prime end of the template to the 5 prime end of the template.

How does elongation happen?

The polymerase moves downstream, unwinding the DNA and elongating the RNA transcript from the 5' to 3' ends. In the wake of transcription, the DNA strands reform a double helix.

DNA molecule antiparallel Why?

The DNA molecule is anti-parallel. This is because the two strands are the opposite of one another, such that if one strand has the base sequence ATC, the opposite strand would have the base sequence TAG.

How is DNA replicated-?

In a cell, DNA replication must happen before cell division can occur. DNA synthesis begins at specific locations in the genome, called "origins", where the two strands of DNA are separated. RNA primers attach to single stranded DNA and DNA polymerase extends from the primers to form new strands of DNA, adding nucleotides matched to the template strand. The unwinding of DNA and synthesis of new strands forms a replication fork. In addition to DNA polymerase, a number of enzymes are associated with the fork and assist in the initiation and continuation of DNA synthesis by joieman04

Why is DNA described as complementary?

If you are referring to two random DNA strands, then they may or may not be complimentary as they contain different nucleotides and code for different genes. However, if you are talking about DNA strands that comprise a DNA double-helix, then yes they must be complimentary because the nucleotiside adenosine (A) always binds with thymine (T) and guanine (G) always binds with cytosine (C); this is the only way that a double-helix can be formed.

Which is true about the elongation of the leading strand during DNA synthesis?

progresses away from the replication fork.

Why does Dna have both leading and lagging Strands?

The lagging strand is called the lagging strand because, unlike the leading strand, DNA polymerase can not replicate in a 5' to 3' uninterrupted flow on this strand. Remember, DNA has two strands that run ANTIPARALLEL, one to the other; in other words they run in opposite directions.