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they can warm or cool the air temperature along the coastal regions.

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Q: Why are ocean currents important to coastal regions?
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Why do coastal regions tend to experience more mild winters then continental regions?

Ocean current (polar and tropical) and the prevailing winds associated with those currents always make the coastal climate milder.

Is the influence of cool ocean currents on coastal temperatures more pronounced in summer or winter?

It has to be the Summer. In Winter, the ocean currents are WARM compared to coastal temperatures.

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Do ocean currents effect coastal regions?

Very much so, for example the Gulf Stream keeps the coast of Norway free of ice through the winter up to a latitude of 71 degrees north.

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Where are the coastal regions?

A city that is close to the coast. Aka the ocean

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How do ocean currents affect air temperature in coastal areas?

Warm Ocean currents warms the air above it and some move from the tropic towards both poles ---------------------------------------------------------AND----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cold Ocean currents also affect weather patterns by bringing cold water from polar to the equator

Coastal deserts are usually the result of?

Rain shadows and cold ocean currents can cause coastal deserts.