

Why are plants primary producers?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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plants are called "primary producers" because they can make their own food through photosynthesis. No other thing on earth can produce their own food, which is why they are the "producers." They produce all the energy that gets transferred throughout every other living thing on the planet

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Primary consumers eat producers (plants).

Are plants primary consumers?

No, plants are producers. Herbivores are primary consumers.

Do producers eat primary consumer?

No. Primary consumers eat producers (green plants).

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Plants, especially grasses, are the primary producers of deserts.

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Basically primary producers are the plants an secondary producer are the animals who eat the plants like a rabbit or a catepillar.

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Grasses and other plants, shrubs and trees are the primary producers in the desert.

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only plants.

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No, I think primary consumers eat plants. Plants are producers.

What are herbivores which eat producers?

Herbivores eat plants, and plants are producers. So, all herbivores eat producers.

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Mice are primary consumers. This means that the nice eat primary producers. Primary producers include almost all green plants.

What a primary producers?

Primary producers are plants or foliage that are at the beginning of every food chain/web. A primary producer is always eaten by a herbivore in ecology.

Is a plant a primary consumer?

Animals that eat plants are primary consumers. The only producers are plants and other photosynthetic organisms.