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HOV lanes are there to encourage multiple people in one vehicle, which reduces highway congestion and also promotes fuel savings. Since state law determines who can use an HOV lane, the law can say who has exemptions. Some give an exemption for those using a vehicle with a special plate. Typically having a hybrid or special fuel vehicle is not enough to ride alone in an HOV lane, you usually have to apply for the special fuel plate to be allowed to do so. Then it depends on whether your car qualifies.

Some hybrids get horrible mileage. It is possible that you are lucky enough to have a thinking Government group that realizes this. A Escalade hybrid is still a waste even if it has three people and is a hybrid.

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Q: Why are some Hybrid cars not authorized on HOV with a single driver?
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No, don't be stupid. It's dedicated to carpools.

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Many web sites offer top ten lists and reviews on hybrid cars. Lists and reviews from reputable sites can be found at, and

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The Ford and Toyota group feature hybrid models. Fiat and Smart Cars are gaining popularity and have been advertising in the United States. I do think that you could expect to see increase in the market share for hybrid cars. Car and Driver Magazine would have the most up-to-date information available to the public.

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