

Why are some chemical reactions irreversible?

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Kylee Homenick

Lvl 10
4y ago

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Q: Why are some chemical reactions irreversible?
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Cooking involve irreversible chemical reactions.

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Is lighting a firework irreversible and why?

yes, because it is a chemical reaction (chemical reactions are irreversible).

Are chemical changes irreversible If yes then what about the chemical reactions that are reversible Don't we say that all chemical reactions are chemical changes?

some chemical changes can be reversed but they are hard to reverse usually

Is the reaction reversible?

chemical reactions are irreversible but physical changes are reversible

Is toasting bread is reversible change?

Yes because it is a chemical reaction and these reactions are irreversible

Is digesting a banana a chemical reaction or is it a reversible change?

Digestion involve chemical reactions, it is a chemical and mechanical process and is irreversible.

When elements form compounds can the elements not be recovered?

some but not all......many reactions are reversible and many r irreversible....depends on chemistry of reactions, physical change or chemical change...

What are irreversible reaction?

The reactions in which the products do not recombine to form reactants are called irreversible reactions. They are supposed to complete and are represented by putting a single arrow (-------->) between the reactants and products.

Is respiration in animals a reversible change or irreversible change?

No, it isnt. There are chemical reactions while breathing.

Is crashing a car chemical change?

No, though it is not easily irreversible like chemical reactions it is mainly a physical change, unless your car set in fire. (Burning is chemical)

How are chemical reactions different to reversable changes?

physical change is reversible because you can undo it for example: if you fold a paper you unfold the paper. chemical chang is irreversible because if you make somthing together you could not seperate them.