

Why are the causes of birth defects so evasive?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why are the causes of birth defects so evasive?
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There is no vaccine that will prevent birth defects. Spina Bifida and other neural tube defects (a specific type of birth defects) can be prevented by consuming adequate amounts of folic acid in the diet in the first trimester of pregnancy. Other types of birth defects may be prevented in other ways, so it is best to ask your doctor for advice if you are thinking about becoming pregnant.

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what are the birth defects? Can you still function normally? if so I'd say yes; if it is a handicap most likely no.

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yes it is it causes the baby birth defects and brain damage to the baby...... so be smart don't do drugs while being pregnant trust me

Can young pregnancy cause birth defects?

If Chuck Norris says so then yes!!

What is a list of birth defects?

Birth defects are structural abnormalities that affect the development of organs and tissues of an infant or child. Also a health problem or physical change, which is present in a baby at the time he or she is born. Birth defects may be very mild in which the baby looks and acts like any other baby, or birth defects may be very severe, and you can immediately tell there is a problem. Some birth defects can be so severe that a baby may live only a few months or die at a young age.

How serious will a child's birth defects be if their parents are second cousins?

There wont be any. There's many who think being cousins will make you have birth defects but this is not the case. The research show that the risk to get a child with birth defects if you are first cousins is just as small as if you were not related at all. So for second cousins there is no risk. The families where marrying cousins is common and the kids do have birth defects is families who have practiced cousin marriage for generations. Not enough new DNA.

How is heart defect tied with genetics?

Heart defects tend to run in families. So, a medical history is important. However, there are many other causes of heart defects - such as smoking, drinking, hot tubing, taking drugs/medicines during pregnancy. There are also many unknown causes of heart defects. More research is needed to discover these unknown causes.

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because his parents are brothers and sisters causing him birth defects-answer by Dwayne Wade

Why are women not allowed to enter thalidomide factories?

It might cause Birth defects in women who are pregnant or women who might get pregnant in the future. It has caused really bad birth defects in the past, and it would probably do so in the future if women who are capable of bearing children are exposed to it.

How are systemic antifungal drugs linked to birth defects?

In laboratory studies of animals, systemic antifungal drugs have caused birth defects and other problems in the mother and fetus. Studies have not been done on pregnant women, so it is not known whether these drugs cause similar effects in people.

Why are mutations in reproductive cells so dangerous?

Mutations in reproductive cells (sperm/egg cell) can be caused by X rays and this can lead to birth defects.

Low intake of which vitamin contributes to birth defects?

The most common one is Folic acid or folate which is a B vitamin. It is also referred to as vitamin B₉.