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They are syndromes because they have variable phenotypes

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Q: Why are the consequences of chromosomal alterations referred to as syndromes and not diseases?
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Why are chromosomal alterations called syndromes not diseases?

Chromosome alterations have variations in phenotypes( the outward expression of genes).

What diseases or syndromes begin with M?

Malaria, measles, mononucleosis and mad cow are diseases. They begin with the letter m.

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Movement disorders are a group of diseases and syndromes affecting the ability to produce and control movement

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Lucian S. Regenbogen is known for writing books on topics related to social psychology and self-improvement. Some of his works include "The Power of Positive Thinking" and "Mastering Your Mindset".

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There are a number of diseases that cause excessive bleeding or bleeding from injuries too slight to have consequences in healthy people.

What disease is called by a genetic mutation?

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What are the diseases in respiratory system?

Lifestyle diseases are those that result from consequences of habits we have chosen. Some common examples are smoking, drinking, and doing drugs.

Are there syndromes or diseases that mimic seizures?

There are many different types of seizures which can be mimicked by some of the following: 1)migraines 2)narcolepsy 3)syncope 4)hypoglycemia 5)pseudoseizures

What are the consequences of irresponsible sexual behaviour among youths?

The consequences are unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, some of which cannot be cured.

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Their are many forms of genetic disease. Some of them are chromosomal abnormalities, gene defects, multifunctional problems, teratogenic problems and many more.

What is is a pathologist?

Someone who gives needles and studies the blood collected.

What are lifestyle diseases in the respiratory system?

Lifestyle diseases are those that result from consequences of habits we have chosen. Some common examples are smoking, drinking, and doing drugs.