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Kinsmen are many of the characters in Things Fall Apart. Without kinsmen you probably wouldn't have a story.

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Q: Why are the kinsmen important in Things Fall Apart?
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In things fall apart why is the woman brought back to her kinsmen?

The woman is not brought back to her kinsmen but runs away from her husband to her kinsmen in order to escape her frequent beatings at his hands.

What does umunna mean in things fall apart?

Umunna is another word for long range family. Umunna included kinsmen from many generations apart.

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There is no such character in Things Fall Apart.

Why is things fall apart literature?

Things Fall Apart is a book, which counts as literature.

What is the publishing company for Things fall Apart by Chinua Achebe?

Things Fall Apart was originally published in London.

Is nwoye a boy in things fall apart?

Yes, Nwoye is a boy in Things Fall Apart.

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What sports did things fall apart played?

Wrestling was the major sport in Things Fall Apart.

What is a uri in things fall apart?

In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, a "uri" is a traditional ceremony or gathering in the Igbo culture of Nigeria. It typically involves sharing kola nuts among participants and engaging in discussions or making important announcements. The uri plays a significant role in community events and cultural practices in the novel.

In things fall apart was there colonialism?

The second half of Things Fall Apart deals with colonialism and its effects.

How is Things Fall Apart important in Nigeria today?

Things Fall Apart was the first significant English work written by a native Nigerian. It is an interesting representation of the earlier Nigerian civilization before white colonization.

Is Things Fall Apart non-fiction?

No, "Things Fall Apart" is a work of fiction. It is a novel written by Chinua Achebe and is not based on real events or people.