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I believe it is to keep the sperm at a lower temperature than regular body temperature

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Q: Why are the male sex organs held outside the body?
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What organ does urine exit the female body?

From the same place it exits the female body: the urethra. The male and female bodies are actually very similar in this regard; most female and male reproductive organs have a counterpart in the other sex. The main difference is that female organs are mostly inside the body, while male organs are mostly outside the body.

What organ which releases sperm outside the body?

The testicles/ penis. A series of organs make semen but the male sex organ releases it.

Some ways male turkeys are different from the females include?

Well the male has penis and testicles, the sexual reproductive organs, outside of hos body. Also the male goes kuckoo doo doo dooo

Where can you find pictures of male and female reproductive organs?

Pictures of male and female reproductive organs can usually be found on sites that have to do with the physiology of the human body.

Would you be a girl if you lost your penis?

No you would not. You would still have testosterone (male hormone) in your body, male organs and a male persona. To be a female means to have completely different organs and hormones.

What is a male and a female in one body?

an organism having both male and female reproductive organs is called hermaphrodite.

Where are the Gonads located in a female?

The gonads in the male body are actually the testis. If you do not know where the testis are located on a man, they are the spherical, sperm producing organs that are connected to the body below the penis.

How are the male genitals made?

They are not 'made', they develop in the same way other organs of the body.

Does hermaphrodite do asexual or sexual reproduction?

A person who is a hermaphrodite has both female and male genital characteristics and can also be called intersex people. This typically means that the organs on the inside are of one sex, while the organs on the outside are of another sex. They will produce either sperm OR eggs not both. Their sexual identity is hard to determine at birth.

What is the saclike part that hangs outside in the male reproductive system?

The scrotum is the saclike part that hangs outside the male reproductive system. It is located outside the body in order to regulate the temperature of the testes.

What structure transports both wastes and reproductive cells to the outside of the body?

In male pigs, wastes and reproductive cells are transported outside the body through the penis.

What are some facts about the male urethra?

The male urethra is significantly longer than the female urethra. Unlike the female urethra, it has a function in the reproductive system (carrying semen to the outside of the body) as well as a urinary function (carrying urine to the outside of the body.)