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Rainforests are endangered because people continually cut down the trees in them, drastically reducing their size.

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Q: Why are the rainforest's of the world endangered?
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Are loctomonkies endangered?

No, Loctomonkies are not endangered. They are a scavenger type monkey that lives in the rainforests. They live in different rainforests around the world.

Why are orangutangs endangered?

No. You can check it on google by typing endangered animals of the world. Orangutans are mainly found in Malaysia.

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Margays, which are Near Threatened but not yet Endangered, can be found from the rainforests of Mexico all the way down to the rainforests of Argentina.

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A panda

Why are tropical rainforests the most endangered habitats on earth?

They are not.

Why are some tropical rainforests endangered?

because of deforestation and new roads

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people are chopping down the rainforests in madagascar

In what part of the world are rainforests located?

Rainforests are mostly located near the Equator, but there are also rainforests in other parts of the world.

Were would you find an orangutans?

They now are endangered and can be found in Borneo. they live in the canopy of the rainforests

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Why is the L'hoest's monkey endangered?

The L'Hoest monkeys are endangered because of human activity.For example, loss of habitat due to humans clearing out rainforests.