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Many animals live in the forest.Some animals would be Snakes,Owls,Birds,Squirrels,Snails,Worms,Rats,Spiders, and Hares/Rabbits

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12y ago

it a temperate forest one has seasons- summer, winter, wet and dry

while in a tropical rain forest the weather is the same all year round

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because only 2% of the light reaches the forest floor due to the amount of leaves blocking the way. without the light the plants cannot photosynthesize (this helps the plants grow)

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Q: Why are there more plants species in the tropical forest than in the temperate forest?
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Why does a rain forest have more biodiversity than a temperate forest?

tropical ecosystems are more diverse than temperate zone ecosystems because

Compare the biodiversity of the temperate forest biome with the tropical forest biome?

The tropical rain forest has a larger biodiversity. It usually has a really rich and varied understory with a lot of plants and animals. The soil is higher in nutrients than in the temperate forest. The temperate forest has seasons and less rainfall. The trees in the temperate forest loose their leaves in the cold season. Because the rainforest is warm all year around the trees don't lose there leaves.

Where can you find a rainforest in the US how is it different from a tropical rainforest?

There is a tropical rain forest within the United States - on the islands of Hawai'i. However, the species of plants and animals varies from what is found in Brazil or Indonesia, the same way there are different plants and animals in the temperate forests of North America and Europe.

What is dioscoreae?

Dioscorea is a genus of flowering plants. This genus has over 600 species. Most of the species are tropical, but there are a few that grow in temperate climates.

How many different species of plants are in temperate forest?

36 different kinds... 12 if you catoragize....

Are there more plants or animals in the temperate forest?


What are some other biomes close the amazon rainforest?

a tropical rainforerst is mostly hot and miost has a constant warmth and over 15 million of species including plants and animals live throughout this biome

What is the richest the tropical rainforest the temperate rainforest the grasslands?

The richest of all the world's biomes are the Amazon lowlands. For example, there are about 1,000 species of birds in the biome along with many thousands of other species of plants and animals.

What plants are in the tropical seasonal forest?

In the tropics there are no real seasons (as there are in temperate climates) and therefor the plants that grow in the tropics do not show seasonal behaviour. However, in the tropics plants do still have times for flowering, seeding etc. but these are no synchronised across all species. There are also some climates where there are wet (when plants are able to grow) and very dry periods (when plants wither) some plant species are adapted to this variability.

What are 9 land biome animals?

polar ice,tundra, coniferous forest, tropical rain forest, temperate deciduous forest,temperate grassland,savanna,desert,chaparral and mountains. And there are not only 9 there are 10. Lastly the organisms that live there are plants & animals like birds mainly.

Why are people concerned about destruction of tropical rain forest?

because,The tropical rain forest is home to more species of plants and animals than all the world's other land biomes combined and some type of organisms can exist only in the tropical rain forest.

Do temperature and rainfall help to determine which animals plants and insects you will find in a tropical rain forest?

Temperatures and rainfall help determine which animals, plants, and insects you will find in a tropical rain forest. Each species uses the environmental conditions to its benefit.