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This is due to the colonization of Ireland by the British. When Ireland became an English colony they adopted a policy of partitioning. In which they allowed colonists to settle in Ireland in the hopes that the colony would be regulated by these new settlers without Great Britain expending any major resources. The natives of Ireland are Catholic while those who were colonists were Protestants (because Lutheranism is the primary religion of the English crown). Thus two different forms of Christianity have developed in Ireland. Catholicism and Lutheranism (protestant).

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Q: Why are there two different religions in Ireland?
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What two religions divide the republic of Ireland from northern Ireland?

Religions do not divide Northern Ireland from the Republic of Ireland. What you are referring to is the fact that most people in the Republic of Ireland are Catholic and most people in Northern Ireland are Protestant. There are also a large amount of Protestants in the Republic of Ireland and a large amount of Catholics in Northern Ireland.

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There are different religions in Ireland so there is no single answer to that. The leaders of those different religions would have different titles. All the main world religions in the world, like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc., are all found in Ireland.

Can you have two religions?

No. It is simply not possible to believe two different things, and religions are different; otherwise they would be the same religion.

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Both countries have people who practice different religions. Not just Catholicism.

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they are celebrated by two different religions DER

What religions does Ireland go by?


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Every religion is different from every other religion.

Is Judaism the same as Chrstainity?

no. they are two different religions and cultures.

Are Islam and Buddhism the same thing?

No. They are two different religions.

What kinds of religions are in ireland?

Presbyterian and Catholic.

Are there other religions in Ireland besides Catholic?

Yes. The main Religions are Catholic and Protestant.

Why is Ireland having problems?

The country of Ireland is having trouble , as that country is made up of two main religions that is they are Catholics , as well as protestants. And sadly they do not see eye to eye. And the I.R,A , were using terrists methods and innocent people were shot.