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Two reasons. Firstly, Safety. Fetus have a higher rate of cellular division than the average human being. A damaged gene while still developing can cause birth defects. Secondly, X-rays really only give an idea of bone structure and generally aren't live. It X-rays don't give as clear an indication on lung and heart development.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Ultrasound is used instead of x-rays when applicable because there is no radiation exposure using ultrasound. There are also certain measurements and information obtained during an OB ultrasound and those things can not be evaluated on an x-ray image.

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12y ago

The sonic waves of ultrasound carry much less energy than those x-rays, that are almost as energetic as radioactive rays. X-ray is therefore, compared to ultrasound, somewhat more dangerous and its usage should be avoided, especially when very sensible organic material like an unborn child is concerned.

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11y ago

Ultrasounds are much safer for you and especially your child, with an ultrasound you can view various things such as the childs external and internals, they can also be used to monitor blood flow and heart beats, generally its much better but doesn't penetrate as easily as an x-ray.

X-ray has much better penetration however it's not as live as an ultrasound, you have to constantly keep taking x-ray photos in order to find exactly what you're looking for generally, unpractical even for a professional photographer what if you miss what you're looking for? You have to take more x-ray photos, the more you take the more radiation you and your child are exposed to. This isn't used in common pratice.

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15y ago

xrays are more dangerous than ultrasound

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12y ago

an ultrasound wave is used because the ultrasound is not a harmful to the baby as an can alson see a live picture with ultra sound

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12y ago

It can damage the cells in the body of mother and baby also it is much clearer.

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10y ago

X-ray is a tiny bit dangerous, particularly to babies. Ultrasound is considered safe.

The rule for x-ray is only to use it when it'd be a bigger risk not to.

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What is prenatal scanning?

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