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Q: Why calcium carbonate does not increase the pH of acidic soils?
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Do insoluble calcium compounds increase the pH of acidic soils eg calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate?

Carbonate will increase soil pH value, because it reacts with acid, but sulfate will not affect the pH.

Why calcium carbonate used for farms?

Over time soils on farms become acidic, calcium carbonate is added to fields to regulate the ph of the soil

Why does calcium hydroxide neutralise soils that are too acidic?

Because Calcium Hydroxide is an alkaline and it acts as a base to neutralise the acidic soils and make them turn to pH7.

How can acid rain be fixed?

A method is the treating of soils with powdered calcium carbonate.

Which element has a basic oxide of the type MO used to treat acidic soils?

calcium oxide

How does limestone help farmers?

It adds calcium to the soil and helps raise the pH for more acidic soils.

Why is sandy soil acidic?

If one only considers the soil texture, the main driving force for a faster increase in pH in sandy soils is the faster leaching process. Because of the coarse texture of sand, water can easily move through the sandy layers and leach out chemical elements. Naturally, all soils tend to acidify through time if no actions are taken. This proces happens much faster in sandy soils. pH increasing elements such as carbonate (from the weathering of calcium carbonate, very abundant in soils) leach out very quickly. Also the organic decomposition rate is much higher when water is moving faster trhough the soil. This decomposition acidifies the soil as well. Looking at the texture only, a sandy soil is more acidic, just because it is in a further state of weathering, compared to other textures such as clay.

What is calcerous soil?

If you mean calcareous, it is a soil composed partly of calcium carbonate. It refers to "chalky" soils with a high lime content.

Why do farmers spray powdered calcium carbonate oxide or hydroxide over their fields?

To increase the pH value of the liquid phase in the soil; many crops grow better at higher pH values than are found in some soils.

What is the chemical formula for a seashell?

Sea shells are largely composed of CaCO3 or Calcium Carbonate. This is also the main component of lime used to supply Calcium to soils which is readily leached from soils above 700mm annual rainfall. Calcium Carbonate is the main constituent in mollusc shells, mammalian hair and nails, exoskeleton of insects, bills and toenails of birds as it can be accumulated slowly in the body of an animal and used in animal parts that require hardness.

Why do farmers add limestone to soil?

Chalk is sometimes added to soil to raise the pH of acidic soils. Calcium, the primary component of chalk, is also an important secondary nutrient for healthy crop growth.

What is caliche soil?

Caliche soil is a result of aged desert soils. As the soil ages they tend to form a calcium carbonate-rich hardpan horizon.