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Iodine is lower in the halogen displacement series than bromine, i.e., iodine is less electronegative than bromine. However both chlorine and fluorine can displace bromine in sodium bromide, as they are more electronegative.

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Q: Why can't iodine be used to displace bromine from sodium bromide?
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Well, if your talking about the reaction between sodium bromide (NaBr) and Iodine, then I don't think that it will replace bromine. Bromine is higher on the reactivity series, so if they come into contact with each other, there won't simply be any reaction

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There are only two elements in sodium bromide -- sodium and bromine.

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Does bromine react with soduim?

Yes: Bromine reacts with sodium to form sodium bromide.

What happens when bromine and sodium combine?

They form Sodium Bromide

What happens when bromine reacts with sodium?

Sodium bromide(NaBr) is formed